Monsef Rachid
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Hey, I'm Monsef Rachid

Software engineer with experience in web application development and information retrieval across a wide range of industries. Passionate about delivering high-quality clean code and user-focused web solutions that meet business needs and exceed expectations.

About Me

Profile Summary

Information technology consultant and software engineer with extensive experience in web application development and information retrieval across a wide range of industries including digital media, business process management, accounting, education, and real estate.

I am passionate about delivering high-quality clean code and user-focused web solutions that meet business needs and exceed expectations.

Feel free to Connect or Follow me on my LinkedIn where I post useful content related to Web Development and Programming

I am open to Job opportunities where I can contribute, learn and grow. If you have a good opportunity that matches my skills and experience then don't hesitate to contact me.

My Skills


PHP JavaScript Python Java C++ C SQL HTML CSS

Frameworks & Libraries

Laravel Flask Alpine.js Astro.js jQuery Spring Boot Tailwind CSS Bootstrap OpenGL

Infrastructure & DevOps

Git GitHub Actions GitLab CI/CD Docker AWS Linux Apache NGINX


Stripe PayPal Twilio Google Maps MapBox

My Projects

Below is a list of selected projects I've worked on, either as an independent contractor or as an employed software engineer. View Full Project Archive

Real Estate Listings Portal

Built the full backend API that handles user account management and authentication, property listings search of more tha 3 million records with geo mapping.

Laravel PHP JavaScript jQuery MySQL HTML Bootstrap AWS

Real Estate XML Feed Generator SaaS

SaaS application enabling real estate agents, brokers, and companies to generate XML data feeds in standardized formats for platforms like Zillow and Facebook.

Laravel PHP Python JavaScript Alpine.js MySQL HTML Tailwind CSS GitHub Actions


Advanced Project Management System for Accounting Firms

Served as Project Manager and Lead Backend Developer. Laravel REST API. Twilio SMS Integration. Automated testing. CI/CD Pipelines.

Laravel PHP Angular MySQL Docker Twilio GitLab CI/CD

International Real Estate News Website

Developed backend tools to manage news publishing, online payments, news syndication feeds and self-service press release posting.

PHP JavaScript jQuery MySQL HTML CSS AWS PayPal API

Real Estate API

Property Listings & Real Estate News API

REST API for international property listings & real estate news. Designed backend relational database. Implemented endpoints with Laravel. PHPUnit automated testing.


Football Data Web Scraper & News Aggregation Website

Topic-based automated webscraper. Content managment system. Frontend news website organized by news categories and topics.

Laravel PHP JavaScript Alpine.js MySQL HTML Tailwind CSS GitHub Actions


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